
FD-SOI & IoT Consortium in Singapore

The FD-SOI & IoT Consortium has been established in 2023 to extend the impact of the FD-fAbrICS project on the semiconductor ecosystem rooted in Singapore (both local and multi-national semiconductor companies). The main goals of the FD-SOI & IoT Consortium are

  • educate designers and support talent proliferation on FD-SOI silicon chip design via intensive educational programs delivered by NUS in synergy with world-class speakers in the field

  • disseminate the design IP that is being generated in the FD-fAbrICS research project for rapid FD-SOI adoption and lower design barrier to entry.

The above educational programs serve the essential purpose of facilitating technology and market roadmapping. The establishment of the Consortium also aim to facilitate the interaction and potential cooperation among the Members and the partners of the project. Also, the translational model adopted in FD-fAbrICS and the establishment of the FD-SOI & IoT Consortium aim to favour design economy of scale in and across Member companies, as well as to scale-up local talent with deep expertise in state-of-the-art FD-SOI design techniques.

The FD-SOI & IoT Consortium has NUS, Soitec and NXP as Founding Members. Eligible Members are given access to innovative FD-SOI design IP and methodologies, which are generated through regular commercial EDA tool licenses to allow commercial use.

The preliminary version of the IP portfolio is sufficient to start designing systems with moderate complexity, learn about its capabilities, and feedback useful observations to the FD-fAbrICS team for continuous refinement, until a well-established version of the design IP portfolio is made available. Successively, the productization of the IP for its use in higher-complexity FD-SOI systems will be encouraged through the partnership with local IP vendors joining the Consortium as Members. By the end of the program, the design IP portfolio and the Consortium will reach the intended scale and maturity, thus supporting the design needs of the Members. At the stage, the FD-fAbrICS program will hand over the design ecosystem to the FD-SOI & IoT Consortium members for its use and deployment in commercial products.

Membership Tiers

Membership to the Consortium is categorized in three tiers: (i) Platinum; (ii) Gold; and (iii) Silver.

☐ Platinum
     ☐ Start-up/IHL
     ☐ Small/Medium Enterprise
     ☐ Large Enterprise

☐ Gold
     ☐ Start-up/IHL
     ☐ Small/Medium Enterprise
     ☐ Large Enterprise

☐ Silver
     ☐ Start-up/IHL
     ☐ Small/Medium Enterprise
     ☐ Large Enterprise

Membership Tiers and Membership Fee
Member Benefits and Privileges
How to Join the FD-SOI & IoT Consortium

To know more and to join the FD-SOI & IoT Consortium, please contact Prof. Massimo Alioto at the National University of Singapore ( The “FD-SOI & IoT Consortium Terms and Conditions” and Consortium Membership Application Form will be sent to you to complete and sign the Application Form.  The Application Form shall be submitted in its entirety (including all its annexures, appendices and schedules) to the National University of Singapore either by registered post or e-mail in Portable Document Format (pdf) to following address:

National University of Singapore
College of Design and Engineering
5 Engineering Drive 1, Block E4 #06-02,
Singapore 117583
Attention to: FD-SOI & IoT Consortium

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